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more professional doula training

additional courses

Our additional courses are bite-sized courses that offer ready-to-use templates, easily digestible concepts, and clear next steps—all while honoring our rules for leadership coaching:

  • That you can pick and choose what you intentionally/mindfully consume—so that you can put the actions in place without feeling overwhelmed.
  • That things don’t feel over-complicated by heady concepts
  • That focus is poured into building and growing a doula practice that is in alignment with who you are: integrity is steeped in the heart of your processes.
  • Beyond integrity, these courses focus on how to affect deep impact, and not feel “salesy.”
  • That everything boils down to having a sustainable business for YOU: your lifestyle, your expectations.

Below is a sample of the additional courses we’ll release through 2024 and that will be available to all members.

The Art of Holding Space

We explore the art of holding space for your client and their caregiver: the concepts of codependency, detachment, surrender, boundary setting, and self-care.

End-of-Life Planning

Feel confident in navigating end-of-life matters and discussions with your client. This course offers a well-rounded look at the basics, and resources to learn more.

Advocating For Your Client

Advocating for the needs of your client is a lot like a muscle; you have to exercise to get comfortable doing it. This course gives you pointers on facilitating hard conversations with family, care teams, and more

Supporting After-Death Organ Donation

This explores after-death organ donation from both sides, providing you with the know-how to support either family.

Understanding Codependency as a Doula

Codependency sneaks it easily for those who show up in service to others; we lay out what this looks like, and how to navigate it.

Supporting Living Organ Donors

An in-depth look at how transplant doulas can support living organ donors, focusing on the differences in the structure you were presented for transplant recipients.

The Doula Boss Mindset

This elective takes you through the key aspects of owning and running a doula practice as a full-time, sustainable career.

Brand Your Doula Business

Learn best practices and how-to for developing a brand that represents you as a doula.

Build Your Doula Website in a Weekend

A step-by-step guide to creating your own site without hiring a designer, wasting time, or investing thousands of dollars you don’t need to spend.

Creating Offerings & Money Mojo

Developing your offerings and your money mojo.

Client Onboarding for Doulas

Paperwork, agreements to have, and what should be included in your general client onboarding process.

Simplifying Your Doula Business

Get off the hamster wheel of content creation, marketing, and feast-or-famine pushes. This looks at a simple, heart-driven approach.